Goals and resolutions for 2018
Okay, so I went back and looked at my goals one year ago at this time. I - did - finish my book. It is called Down To The Last Mark and...
National novel writing month
I've written before about starting a book, however, this month there is a special attention to writing a novel. For National Novel...
I love Chicago
Now, don't get me wrong. South Florida is my home. And for an author, there is so much to draw upon. However, I returned to Chicago, my...
After Irma: Moving forward
Hurricane Irma blew through Florida and especially the Florida Keys. I did just fine, however, one place I enjoy immensely, the Florida...
An author waiting for Irma
The biggest thing you realize - as you await a storm the size of hurricane Irma and that is, try as you might, other forces are in...
Writing - among the animals
If you live in south Florida, then you know all too well, that on any given day, something is watching you. That - something - could be...

My guide to getting to Avatar Flight of Passage
If you are like me, you really wanted to check out the new Disney World ride, Avatar Flight of Passage. Well, here is what I did to get...
The next big thing
There is that feeling of accomplishment, when you finish a project. In writing a book, it is a monumental thing in that you put so much...
Mystery? Or Thriller
For most of my writing career, I have always enjoyed the mystery novel. The challenge of writing a puzzle always got me excited about the...
Welcome to Mystery and Thriller Week
The website - Goodreads is honoring the mystery novel and thriller books, as this is Mystery and Thriller week. Like many of you, I...