This is novel writing month
For me, I think about this all the time, not just in the month of November. This is, in case you didn't know, Novel Writing Month. You...
Halloween: Ahhh, what a memory.
I was born and raised in the Midwest. Like, a zillion other kids, I eagerly awaited the arrival of Halloween. Free candy? For the taking?...
To all readers: Thank you
Every now and then, I take a moment to thank you. Yes, you. I thank readers for taking the time to explore new characters, discover plot...
Starting the journey: narrating my audio book
Okay, growing up I didn't think my voice was any different than anyone else. Kid voice, shrill and normal. Teen years changed that....
About to do something I've never done before
I am always up for new things, especially when it comes to my writing. I am in the final stages of doing an audio book. For many, that...
I see plots everywhere. But why?
A woman entered the room one day as I was sitting, waiting for a talk to begin. It all seemed very natural, very mundane probably to...
Before you write: 10 things to remember.
You know you have that idea and it's been settling in your head for years. Let's get to work on it. If it's a mystery, a list of things...
Pearls - semi-finalist - Kindle Book Awards
The announcement came a few days ago. My book, Pearls is now a semi-finalist in the Kindle Book Awards contest. Just getting to this...
Why go to a writer's conference
I just returned from Key West, where I attended the Key West Mystery Writers fest. I had a great time. I was asked to be on the panel on...
Why I use short Chapters
In high school, I remember the reading assignments. Great books with long chapters. Time has sped up what we do today. The USA Today came...