I just returned from Key West, where I attended the Key West Mystery Writers fest. I had a great time. I was asked to be on the panel on dialogue (topic for my next blog) Our panel, I think, did a great job explaining to writers on how to create believable dialogue. The advantage to a conference this like this? The writers who were there could network with more than 20 local and nationally recognized authors, they heard some tremendous advice, got to hang out with some of the most talented people in the country. And you can't help but get fired up about your writing. I highly recommend anyone who wants to take their writing to another level to please consider any number of conferences around the United States. Sleuthfest 2017, for instance, will be held February 23rd in Deerfield Beach, Florida. There are other conferences. Just google and they will pop up. Do like I did: go to them, learn, and enjoy